Sunday, January 26, 2020

Rio De Janeiro Host The Summer 2016 Olympic Games Tourism Essay

Rio De Janeiro Host The Summer 2016 Olympic Games Tourism Essay Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil, the third largest urban area in South America and the main tourist destination in the Southern Hemisphere, being the first South American city to ever host the event is a great responsibility. The population of the city of Rio de Janeiro, which has an area of 1,182.3  square kilometers, is about 6,100,000. The population of the greater metropolitan area is estimated at 11 to 13.5  million. It was Brazils capital until 1960. In 2009, Rio was elected to host the summer 2016 Olympic Games, winning the election against Chicago, Madrid and Tokyo. The sports competitions will take place on Barra da Tijuca situated on the west side of the city, Copacabana on the south zone, and Maracanà £ and Deodoro on the north side. It may be considered a great accomplishment for the city, however some may disagree that Rio de Janeiro is not fit and does not have financial and secure conditions to be the main focus of the world in 2016. This essay might be of great interest to the people living in Rio and sports fan all around the world planning on watching the Olympic Games, as it describes mainly the citys geography to host the games. Also this topic might be of interest to people that question if Rio can successfully host such a big event without any casualties and will the city in general benefit from being the center of attention worldwide. The topic is also important for the city which has started planning and making budgets, looking forward for being a successful host, a great amount of money must be invested in long term repair in stadiums and general sports facilities as well as security. Brazilian people are also known for having a great passion for sports and there was a big celebration when Rio was announced to host the games as people want to show the world that Rio is capable of holding such an important event. Controversies regarding Rio being the host for the Olympic Games arise as the city is constantly rega rded as un-safe due to the high rates of criminalities and drug dealing taking place in the favelas or shanty towns. It is also worth writing about how Rio can benefit from all this development and planning as well as tourism generated from the Olympic Games as other controversies state that the money spent in investment for hosting should be instead invested in education and the economy of the city for further development. The topic will be more focused on how will the city invest on long term plans and solutions to problems, how will the event be evenly distributed through Rio and how will it be good for Rio in the future. Rio de Janeiro may be considered then most challenging city to judge and make a prediction if it has the capacity of hosting the biggest sports event in the world. Barcelona, Sydney, Vancouver, and London are considered to be more developed as they are located in More Economically Developed Countries and have more developed infrastructure as well as taking effic ient anti-terrorism methods. Although the city is considered a great tourism tropical destination, studies reveal that the city lacks infra-structure, educational means and is affected by great poverty with a large number of the population living in slums. Due to these facts, a part of the population demanded the money to be invested in those means helping the city develop, instead of building sports facilities. It is also estimated that by 2016, the whole nation is capable of eradicating extreme poverty, however for this to happen Brazil must maintain its developing process shown in the last five years. Counter claims may argue that the Olympic Games will bring an excessive amount of profit due to tourism and sponsoring as well as jobs being generated (the city also show significant amounts of unemployment). The government however states that all security and geographical issues were presented to the Olympic committee and was approved almost unanimously, being confident in the long term plans as seven years of preparation seem enough. Another research, states that Rio will manage to achieve a target made by the UN that states must decrease levels in poverty by 50%. There is a lot of statistical data that implies that Rio de Janeiro will manage to achieve sustainable levels of economy, and poverty by the end of 2016, however measures must be taken and the process of development shown in past years must be maintained. 50% of the events will take place on Barra da Tijuca, which is a developed area, with less poverty and almost no slums as well as a wide space and facilities built from the Pan-American games. The transport system is also well developed with a network of trains, buses and subways linked to other sides of Rio where other events are going to take place. Promises were made to the Olympic committee that the Guanabara Bay and Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon will be cleaned sp water sports can be held. A bullet train linking Rio de Janeiro and Sà £o Paulo was also presented to the commit tee which will play a big role in the transport system if introduced before the Olympic games. Recent researches and statistics show that there are more than one thousand favelas spread through out the city with the majority of them being located on the north side (Zona Norte). Also a statistical map indicates that 20 to 30% of the population living in Brazil, live in a slum. This can be significant data while analyzing the city for hosting the games as each slum is dominated by drug dealers and criminality and safety around them can become an issue for the development of Rio until 2016. For the development to be maintained, the city must invest in a crucial factor which is safety. Safety is considered weak in almost every event held although casualties regarding them are rare. For the games to be hosted in the north zone of the city for example, which is considered to be one of the highest rates of criminality in the world due to drug dealing and poverty, long term measures must be taken. An example of long term plan by the government which already started to be implemented i n 2009 is the UPP (Unidade de Policia Pacificadora) is a unit of the military and civil police designated to eradicate and exterminate drugs and arms. The UPP have been very successful just recently where a total of eight slums have already been pacified and are controlled by the government. The police which also have a history of corruption within the state, trading with dealers have been mobilized to end illegal dealings in the slums, with the intention of offering more safety by 2016. This method seems like the most appropriate measure in increasing the security issues of the city, and if it continues to develop and spread throughout the city a significant increase in safety will be applied to the event. The UPP would greatly help the city in the developing process for hosting the Olympic Games as studies made reveal that if every slum in the city is occupied by the government, an increase in 20% of the PIB (sum of financial production) which would represent 38 billions reais for the development of the city as well as an decrease of about 80% of criminality. This is the most efficient method of violence contingency shown and is the key for offering security during the Olympics, however it is a very hard task and taking into consideration past government activities, it will take probably more than seven years for it to be implemented with success. In almost one year that the UPPs were implemented a huge profit and efficiency was achieved with a significant decrease in violence in the surroundings, so in seven years of preparation for the Olympic Games, the governor of Rio Sergio Cabral guarantees that the project will continue. However the government must not forget a big threat to security of Olympic Games, which is international terrorism. Therefore a certain amount of training is necessary and constant monitoring. Looking at the recent past, Rio de Janeiro has hosted an important event similar to the Olympic Games which was the Rio 2007 Pan-American games, and no problems were faced. The money was well invested and the games were a success by generating jobs ad tourist attractions. However the Olympic Games are a much bigger event with a wider variety of activities therefore more space and planning must be taken into consideration. On the contrary of some people may think, the developing process to host the games can bring even more benefit and help the city show a significant growth internationally, as even more jobs can be generated as well as tourism. However, Rio currently really needs investment in security and education, so how can it benefit by hosting the games? Firstly, the Olympic Games further increase the worlds awareness of the city. In Beijing, China, for example the number of headquarters for multi-national companies and large-scale domestic enterprises has multiplied ever since Beijing started its Olympic preparations. The preparations for the Olympic Games can also help update the functions of the city such as environment, transportation and infrastructure. Taking Beijing as an example, the Olympic introductory work will also ease the citys economic growth. Beijings GDP rose to 102.6 billion dollars in 2006, twice as much as in 2001, as its GDP per capita exceeded 6300 dollars, also twice as much as in 2001. With this significant increase in the economy of the city, the number of tourists in Rio which is already very big may increase by more than 1.5 million. Another good past example, in the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, the benefits have been projected to be $10 billion. Another fact which can cause a great impact against Rio for hosting the game is the fact that the city is one of the 12 chosen to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup, and is considered to be not in the right path by the FIFA. Brazilian venues are falling behind schedules and little work has been carried out in the last 25 months after the announcement, constructions and general repairs are late. Inspections have been held and it is proven that Rio along with other cities has not met the deadlines of repairing stadium which are the main attraction of the World Cup. Upgrades in the main stadium are yet to start and are still lingering, which sounded an alert to the FIFA that Brazil is already late. Rio has managed to successfully host a World Cup in 1950 although conditions and requirements were less strict, and maybe with all these upgrades, constructions, jobs and increase in security for 2014, some of it may in fact be useful for the Olympics two years later. The city will gain infra-structure and general increase in security and sports facilities with the world cup in 2014. Generally, not only in the case of Rio, revenue is generated for national companies, the image of the city worldwide is improved and the flow of tourism is improved. But accelerated growth necessary in hosting the Olympic Games disrupts the long term town preparation of the city and cause long term negative effect. On the other side there are the costs for developing facilities necessary to host different sports, as well as the financing for the Olympic village were the athletes must stay, with a significant amount of money being invested in transportation and security. However if the money is invested in schools, hospitals or other public, employment could still be created, sometimes even more and are considered permanent institutions. After the Olympic Games, sports facilities will have obviously less value will be less used and not so significant in helping the city and economy to develop. The employment and part of the benefit brought by the Olympic Games may be considered rather temporary as well as few significant long term growths linked with the games. Although there is a temporary boost in the output of the economy, in the long term there is barely some change. Therefore these temporary and necessary changes to host the Olympic games, can be of great use long term for example security. As the city invest on security and decreasing levels of criminality for the games, it helps to exterminate an old problem of the city which is the criminality. There are counter claims for this argument as all these improvements for changes including the UPPs are temporary and monitoring may decrease shortly after the Olympic Games. In the end, the money spent by tourists during the games might not be sufficient to cover all costs even if they bring benefit to the city. Especially Rio needs to invest in public institutions and education, more than Vancouver and Sydney for example. Although there are major problems and uncertainties a list of benefits can be made such as: with world class facilities built future events may be held, new construction project generating jobs, spectators, sponsors and broadcasting make the city the center of attention worldwide, powerful marketing tool, increase reputation resulting in a long term benefit for economy, international recognition and etc. The country itself still needs to study how to do permanent public policies as no strategic planning happened in the Pan-American games. In the case of Rio, which still faces cases of prejudice and stereotype against low class civilians, jobs being generated can really fix an old problem in which people living in shanty towns face unsuitable living conditions, no access to sewage disposal and clean drinkable water with high levels of crimes, unemployment and low incomes. Just recently, a very serious case of flooding took place in Rio. A natural disaster is a rare however alarming event in which developed cities are supposed to be prepared for. Rio de Janeiro is expected to cope with any sort of situation; however in April 2010 the city faced the biggest flood in the history of Rio with an astonishing 288mm of precipitation in less than twenty four hours. A total of 95 people were confirmed dead mainly as a result of land slide and, of course, became news headline worldwide. It became clear that Rio did not support an appropriate infra-structure and was not prepared for such a disaster. The poverty surrounding the city was also highlighted as land slides in shanty towns killed and injured dozen of people, as well as interrupting several activities during two whole days. The government however states that it is impossible to maintain a controlled situation with such a huge amount of precipitation which was never seen before and especially when Rio is still going through a big process of development. International repercussion is common as it is clearly a matter of safety, and the spectators and athletes waiting so long and traveling so far for such an important event wants safety. Methods of future flood prevention are being studied, such as the creation of flood plains, winding streams and levees. Each method can contain drawbacks and a huge amount of effort however a good way to prevent future accidents. Rios Demographic transition model can be seen above with the central business district in the middle and a large area of Favelas in the surroundings. It is clearly not balanced and the games will be held around the CBD with a few exceptions through B. Below an urban morphology and characteristics map of Rio de Janeiro can be seen as the higher class districts and CBD is concentrated near the coastline with the suburbs in the rural area. As a conclusion, Rio de Janeiro has the conditions to host the summer Olympic Games with success, however it may not bring the expected amount of benefit. Seven years of planning and introducing extreme measures to overcome major problems in the city will not be a problem. Significant increase and development regarding security, and economical growth in Rio de Janeiro has been shown in recent studies. Just recently Rio has hosted a big sports event which was the Pan-American games with great success and no casualties bringing even some benefit. The population in general has been very excited with the decision of the city for the host as it is already a tourist destination and improvement for the games will help the city in the future. However Brazilians in general shows great passion towards sports mainly soccer and shows great enthusiasm and cooperation when the result for Rio being the host was announced, and as a result can forget about some major issues the city need to take care of as a part of its development before making such a big investment for an event such as the Olympic games. In order for a conclusion to be made the goals for the city must be analyzed first. So, is it good for the city to organize the Olympic games? For example Vancouver and London which are already considered developed and share a good outside image, having few ambitions and determination for growth may not achieve such a great improvement in their image and economy, and sports facilities and changes might be made redundant. However cities in development like Rio and Beijing may have the ambition of showing their development and improving their image and showing the world they are competitors to host other future events. Even internationally, it is questioned if Rio can host the Olympic Games, due to security reasons as one week after the announcement, fourteen people were killed and a chopper was shot down on a operation in a favela. However there is the argument that Brazil is not affected by terrorism, like London for example. For a successful prediction to be made if Rio can host the Olympic Games, the past major event hosted must be analyzed, which is the Pan-American games in 2007. The same argument that was used in the Pan-American games were used to convince the Olympic committee, that it was Brazils turn to show what is it capable of, one of the 10th largest economy in the world and a population that have and indefinite passion for sports. The aftermath of the Pan-American games did not quite show any transformation into a more modern, international and safer city. Promises were also made in 2007 that criminality would decrease, a new road system (via light) and 55km of subway lines would be introduced as well as cleaning up the Lagoon located in the centre of the city and finally the Guanabara Bay, whose smell assails visitors driving into town from the international airport. Although hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent, the unpleasant smell persists and the bay remains a foul-smelling spot on the landscape. Chico Alencar, a respected Congressman from Rio and also a researcher for the enormous overspending at the Pan-American games revealed that the games ended up costing much more than the original estimate (about 180 million US dollars) and none of it was used to built the promised infrastructure projects. After the Pan-American games, the city came back to its original mess although a four week celebration was given to the people and athletes, and the same problems faced back in 2007 might be the same in 2016 but the sports event is even bigger. Therefore there is a tendency that Rio will spend even more money on this bigger event, maybe halting the development of other areas in need. Brazil in general needs to learn from its past mistakes and areas of society must unite for no overspending. Finally, other questions rises when analyzing if Rio can host the Summer Olympic Games and can it benefit from it such a s: Can Rio learn from past mistakes (Pan-American games)? Can the city keep its promises for development? Will the infrastructure provided be sufficient for hosting such a big international event? Will current issues such as security be a problem and can the city overcome it? These questions are still left unanswered, but Rio has been given a chance to prove critics wrong after an almost unanimous decision against more developed cities. Read more:,8599,1926094,00.html#ixzz0k9Ts0zcY DTM maps fatos e figures de favela à ndice de Pobreza pode ser erradicado do Brasil em 2016 prediction brazil 2016 vai acabar pobreza meta onu VEJA RIO magazine Operaà §Ãƒ £o Favela Livre pequim costs benefits list of benefits flood world cup

Saturday, January 18, 2020

What Really Caused the American Revolution

Historians have argued about the many possibilities of why the American Revolution occurred. The reason for this is that the main cause of the revolution caused other supposedly â€Å"causes of the revolution†. The most basic simplest cause of the American Revolution is merely the fact that distance weakens authority; greater distance weakens authority even more greatly. Separation from the â€Å"child† nation (Thirteen Colonies) from its mother country (Great Britain) was inevitable.During the Seven Years’ War Britain thought the colonies were acting obnoxious and were the cause of the Seven Years’ War because the war started in America. Once it tried to regain control Britain was shocked when it saw that they were losing grasp of their thirteen colonies and saw their child was growing up into an adolescent. America wasn’t really looking for independence they sought only to claim the â€Å"rights of Englishmen†, though collisions between two different views of empire came between the American colonies and their mother country; also Americans were steadily moving toward a more self-gover nment.But there were also those other supposedly â€Å"causes of the revolution† that occurred. A way Britain tried to gain back control and the ? 140 million they were in debt for defending the American colonies, imposed Navigation laws which meant that all commerce flowing to and from the colonies would be transported only in British vessels. Then there were the taxes, one which made the American colonists irate was the Stamp Act of 1765.Prime Minister George Grenville was resentful of the colonies and ordered British navy to begin enforcing the navigation laws more strictly and secured from Parliament the Sugar Act of 1764, raised duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies, and was the first law ever passed for raising tax revenue in the colonies for the crown. Then there was the Quartering Act of 1765, required certa in colonies to provide food and quarters for British troops. The Stamp Act of 1765 mandated the use of stamped paper or the affixing of stamps, certifying payment of tax.These stamps were required on bills of sale for about fifty trade items, certain types of commercial and legal documents, including playing cards, pamphlets, newspapers, diplomas, bills of lading, and marriage licenses. Even though the Americans weren’t being taxed as much as British people they were still outraged, they felt Grenville’s noxious legislation jeopardized the basic rights of the colonists as Englishmen. Angry American throats raised the cry â€Å"No taxation without representation! They conceded the right of Parliament to legislate about matters that affected the entire empire; they steadfastly denied the right of Parliament to impose taxes on Americans. Only their own elected colonial legislatures could legally tax them. Grenville dismissed these American protests and asserted in any ca se the Americans were represented in Parliament. He claimed that every member of Parliament represented all British subjects, even those Americans in Boston or Charleston who had never voted for a member of parliament this theory is known as â€Å"virtual representation†.The Americans didn’t like this idea at all, and truthfully didn’t really want any direct representation in Parliament. Colonists clung to no taxation without representation. Benjamin Franklin, then in London as a prominent colonial agent testified before a committee of the House of Commons. He answered varies questions very brilliantly. He pointed out that if a military force would be sent to America nobody would be found in arms â€Å"what are they then to do? They cannot force a man to take stamps who chooses to do without them. They will not find a rebellion: they may indeed make one. Colonial outcries against the detested stamp tax took various forms. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 it was o ne more halting but significant step toward intercolonial unity. More effective was the Nonimportation Agreements against British goods. Some violence accompanied colonial protests, two groups called Sons of Liberty and Daughters of Liberty took the law into their own hands. They enforced the nonimportation agreements against violators, often they would tar and feather them, and ransacked houses of unpopular officials.About one-half of British shipping was devoted to American trade, merchants, manufacturers, and shippers suffered because of the nonimportation agreements. After a tempestuous debate Parliament repealed the Stamp Act. â€Å"Champagne Charley† Townshend could deliver the most dazzling speeches even while drunk. He persuaded Parliament to pass the Townshend Acts in 1767; most important of these new regulations was a light import duty on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea. He made them an indirect customs duty payable at American ports. But Americans still we ren’t fond of this and found it no different than the Stamp Act.They still were taxes and without representation. Americans found the tax on tea more irksome because an estimated 1 million people drank the beverage twice a day. The colonists once again tried the nonimportation agreements but proved to be less effective than the ones against the Stamp Act. They still took the tax less seriously mainly because it was light and indirect. Moreover they found they could smuggle the tea at a cheap price. British officials sent two regiments of troops to Boston. Many colonists felt resentment against the presence of the soldiers and taunted them unmercifully.On March 5, 1770 a crowd of about 60 townspeople attacked a crew of about ten redcoats. And without any rationalization and without orders opened fire and killed or wounded eleven â€Å"innocent† citizens. Though the redcoats only acted this way because they were under extreme provocation, one of them was hit by a club an d another was knocked down. Rebellion was still inevitable by 1773, nonimportation was weakening, and the colonists were reluctantly paying the tea tax because the legal tea was cheaper than the smuggled tea it was even cheaper than the tea in England.The British East India Company was going bankrupt because of the 17 million pounds of unsold tea. The London government would collapse and lose tax revenue very heavily. So the ministry helped the company by giving it complete control of the American tea business. Americans were outraged and felt as if they were being tricked. In Philadelphia and New York mass demonstrations forced tea-bearing ships to return to England with their cargo holds still full. The most memorable of this doing was in Boston, Massachusetts.Thomas Hutchinson, governor of Massachusetts had already felt the fury of the angry mob, when Stamp Act protestors had destroyed his home. Though he still ordered the tea ships not to leave Boston until all its cargo was unl oaded. Infuriated Bostonians disguised as Indians boarded on the ships and smashed open 342 chests of tea and dumped it into the Boston harbor. Parliament responded to the Boston Tea Party immediately. In 1774 series of acts were made. Americans called them â€Å"the massacre of American Liberty† by others as the â€Å"Intolerable Acts†, many of the chartered rights of colonial Massachusetts were swept away.And with the â€Å"Intolerable Acts† came the Quebec Act, both passed at the same time. American saw this act especially noxious, it seemed to set a dangerous precedent in America against jury trials and popular assemblies. Land speculators became alarmed; anti-Catholics became distressed to see a huge trans-Allegheny area snatched from them. All these supposedly â€Å"causes of the revolution† abraded the Americans, they were fed up so they came to a summoning of a Continental Congress in 1774.The congress came up with several dignified papers includi ng the Declaration of Rights, and appeals to other British American colonies to the king and British people. Though they weren’t looking for independence and sought merely to repeal the offensive legislation and return to the happy days before parliamentary taxation, when they were left alone. If these colonial grievances weren’t taken to consideration the Congress was to meet again. And evidently they weren’t, slowly war would creep up behind them. The British and the Americans now teetered on the brink of all-out warfare. Thus the American Revolution.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Most Disregarded Answer for Essay Topics Tourism

The Most Disregarded Answer for Essay Topics Tourism Whispered Essay Topics Tourism Secrets Our country is likewise not an exception. Creates need for new developments which might not be in keeping with local location. The big problem in rural areas is that there's not much scope for working. The Triple-Bottom Line There are 3 principal things that form the base of the notion of sustainable improvement. It is possible to come across for the travelling topic which may be connected from any battleship or organic calamity too. Locals that are open to foreign visitors can demonstrate their compassion to permit outsiders appreciate their culture and tradition. As a result of negligent mindset, the tourists wind up getting entangled in life threatening circumstances. Then, an increasing number of tourists will be tempted to pay a visit to our motherland. Spain Tourism is quite popular due to its geographical and cultural diversity. Essay No. 01 Tourism is among the fastest grow ing industries of earth. Tourism Essay Question Tourism is becoming more and more critical as a source of revenue to numerous nations but its disadvantages should not be dismissed. Tourism is getting more and more popular each day. It is one of the major source of foreign exchange. It is a part of entertainment industry. It is good, of course. What You Should Do to Find Out About Essay Topics Tourism Before You're Left Behind Admittedly, the increase of the tourism business has brought enormous advantages to local individuals. There are three major components to be able to establish an efficient and efficient tourism industry to a specific nation. The Indian tourism market was hit by pollution. It is a vast and great country with a huge potential for the development of tourism. You can find a number of topics on ecotourism too. Undoubtedly tourism is a significant source of revenue in many nations, but its drawbacks can't be overlooked. In some areas, it provides the main source of income and employment, as well as providing social and economic benefits. Rural tourism is basically an activity which occurs in the rural locations. The New Fuss About Essay Topics Tourism In addition, a thesis doesn't need to be one sentence. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's critical to at all times be critically considering the world around us. You should determine a paper sample which you feel is closest to the required caliber of the essay you will need for best outcomes. Essay samples are offered in the majority of online writing companies. There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. Locate some intriguing topics to research prior to going on reading. Consequently, tourism is a typical subject for writing essay. If you're in a college and need to compose an argumentative essay, you should select a subject of high importance. The Birth of Essay Topics Tourism At length, the conclusion permits the writer to re-state his claims and offer the readers with the critical points that have to be remembered. The last point is marketers not only utilize persuasion tactics to draw tourists. To the contrary, you might not have been extended a particular topic in any respect. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's crucial to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the special area of study. Fortunately, you may rest assured your assignment is in the hands of top-notch writers that are committed to improving your academic performance. You don't need to have five paragraphs and three points every moment. According to the majority of our prior customers, most face numerous disappointments with the standard of tourism essay assignments they submit to professors. Our UK-based services are of top quality and there's no event of plagiarism to anticipate. Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainable development is a financial growth pattern which uses resources to satisfy human necessities while preserving the surroundings at the exact same moment. Tourism plays an important part in Nepal. It is one of the more fascinating and interactive academic courses that a student can take. An essay on tourism is a bit of writing that narrates and explains relevant info on several different facets of tourism. The perfect topic will be wholly unique and interest the student. When you choose to purchase a topic for your tourism assignment at any degree of complexity, we'll be more than glad to aid you.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Choosing a Career Essay - 1367 Words

My whole life I have always wanted to do something where people will remember me. I went threw millions of career choices before I came to the conclusion of a nurse. It’s not something that will get me into History books, but its something where all the people I help will remember what I did to care for them or their loved ones. My mom went to school to become and RN, but dropped out when she became pregnant with me. After that story was told to me, I didn’t want to be anything related to nursing. It wasn’t until my step mom went to school to be LPN that I realized it would be possible for me to do. I saw how much happiness it gave her, and I want the same thing. She loved helping the patients by treating them, and helping their families†¦show more content†¦It is a program that is based on the health career field, especially nursing. I have this course for three classes a day and it takes up most of my school day. These classes have given me invaluable information and training that will be very useful in my collage courses. My volunteer work at the Veterans Hospital will also help me with becoming a RN because it is sort of like on-the-job training. I get to experience working with patients, in a real hospital setting. My step mom has lots of her old nursing books from her LPN training. I frequently look into them to help me with my Diversified Health Occupations homework, and sometime just to see how something works, or is done. Everyone knows that health careers tend to make a decent amount of money, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, â€Å"the average amount of money that an RN makes is between $47,710 and $69,850† (Registered Nurses). You typically work about fifty to sixty hours a week, on a normal shift. Meaning, 7a.m. to 3p.m., 3 p.m. to11 p.m. and 11p.m-7a.m. During your shift you will have to treat patients, educate the patient on how to care for themselves properly, provide assistance and emotional support for the patients and the families of the patients, administer medication, provide rehabilitation, use medical machinery, record symptoms and medical history, as well as do follow up follow up records. As I learned from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, RN’s also perform specialShow MoreRelatedReasons For Choosing A Career882 Words   |  4 Pages Choosing a career has to be the hardest decision anyone can make. In order to find the right job for yourself you have to take a lot into consideration. The reason for that is because when you look into a career you need to be able to see yourself doing that job for the rest of your life.being a family therapist will probably be the career I go into because I would be able to help out families get through tough times. 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Ultimately you have to make the choice of what makes you the happiest. In the future I want to become a lawyer, a criminal lawyer specifically. I chose this career because I’ve always had strong opinions on almost everything and I like to get my point across. Also because I grew up watching so many different cop shows and documentaries like Law and Order and CSIRead MoreThe Importance Of Choosing A Career?2031 Words   |  9 PagesChoosing a career is a crucial and a critical step in every person s life. It is important to chose a career that matches the individual s interests, traits and skills. With advancements of technology, a website was developed called Sokanu that requires a person to answer several questions and based on these answers it provides the individual with potential careers that matches his or her interests and personality. Mark, Gladys, and Roberto each shared a similar career with one another. One careerRead MoreA Career of My Choosing1060 Words   |  5 PagesEveryone hopes to be something great when they grow up, whether it is a fairy princess, a rodeo cowboy, or a popular superhero. As long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a dentist. Through this discovery at a young age, I found it to be a career that would be suitable for me because it had seemed that I was always having something done in a dentist’s office. Remembering the many times I would have to go and sit in a reclining chair at the dentist’s office , getting teeth pulled, gettingRead More Choosing a Career Path1086 Words   |  5 PagesNever once was there a doubt in my mind that I wasn’t going to college. But the question as to what career path do I want to pursue was always the hard part. When declaring my major, I had no idea that Michigan State had so many different options. My original major was pre-law, and then it was general management, now I’m leaning towards construction management. I watched â€Å"A Family That Preys† by Tyler Perry, and one of the characters was a construction manager. Like a child, watching this movie persuadedRead MoreChoosing A Major And An Idea Of A Career935 Words   |  4 PagesChoosing a major and an idea of a career you want to pursue, is not an easy choice. There is a lot of thinking that goes into deciding what you want to study and what you want to become in the future. Most people are not positive even once they have entered college as to what it is for sure they want to do. This MyPlan assessment was extremely informative in what my skills were and how I could use them. Going to the Career Center on February 5 really helped me to understand what my results meantRead MoreChoosing A Career For Your Life870 Words   |  4 Pagesdevoted to that career for the rest of my life. â€Å"So, what have you decided to study?† is a question I have heard from parents, teachers, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends, co-workers, and just about everyone else that says they know me. I don’t know how I am supposed to just know what I will do for the rest of my life. Choosing ones career should be a decision based over a long period of time, and after being exposed to many different experiences. And in order to acquire the best career for yourself